Luca Chiodini
Hi! I'm a PhD candidate at USI (Lugano, 🇨ðŸ‡),
where I work at the LuCE research group
under the supervision of Matthias Hauswirth.
I also spent a semester abroad at Aalto University (🇫🇮)
under the supervision of Juha Sorva.
My interests in Computer Science are broad,
but my heart lies in teaching.
This curriculum describes my path, in case you are interested.
If you want to get in touch, feel free to write an email to
I have been working on improving programming education from several angles.
I investigated misconceptions about programming languages,
the role of expressions while learning Java,
and methodological issues with ad hoc instruments for computing education research.
My current main project is PyTamaro,
an approach to teach programming using the domain of graphics in an engaging and conceptually deep way.
I created an open-source Python library
and a web platform which hosts hundreds of activities
and dozens of curricula currently used by teachers at multiple educational levels.
The Toolbox of Functions: Teaching Code Reuse in Schools
ECSEE '25 — Luca Chiodini, Joey Bevilacqua, Matthias Hauswirth
Two Approaches for Programming Education in the Domain of Graphics: An Experiment
‹Programming› '25 — Luca Chiodini, Juha Sorva, Arto Hellas, Otto Seppälä, Matthias Hauswirth
Assessing the Understanding of Expressions: A Qualitative Study of Notional-Machine-Based Exam Questions
Koli Calling '24 — Joey Bevilacqua, Luca Chiodini, Igor Moreno Santos, Matthias Hauswirth
Judicious: API Documentation for Novices
SPLASH-E '24 — Luca Chiodini, Simone Piatti, Matthias Hauswirth
Using Notional Machines to Automatically Assess Students' Comprehension of Their Own Code
SIGCSE '24 — Joey Bevilacqua, Luca Chiodini, Igor Moreno Santos, Matthias Hauswirth
Teaching Programming with Graphics: Pitfalls and a Solution
SPLASH-E '23 — Luca Chiodini, Juha Sorva, Matthias Hauswirth
Expressions in Java: Essential, Prevalent, Neglected?
SPLASH-E '22 — Luca Chiodini, Igor Moreno Santos, Matthias Hauswirth
Wrong Answers for Wrong Reasons: The Risks of Ad Hoc Instruments
Koli Calling '21 — Luca Chiodini, Matthias Hauswirth
Conceptual Checks for Programming Teachers
EC-TEL '21 — Luca Chiodini, Matthias Hauswirth, Andrea Gallidabino
A Curated Inventory of Programming Language Misconceptions
ITiCSE '21 — Luca Chiodini, Igor Moreno Santos, Andrea Gallidabino, Anya Tafliovich, André L. Santos, Matthias Hauswirth
Current and past activities
- I have been part of the technical team behind the Italian and the International Informatics Olympiad in Teams.
- I organized six editions of ABC, an Olympiad-style online programming contest held each year in May.
- In 2017, I participated in the first Italian training program in cybersecurity for students. I placed second in a
local final challenge and competed with a team in the national final, held in Rome, ranking second.
- In 2014, I won a bronze medal at the Italian Olympiad in Informatics.
Technical blog posts
Over the years I've created and freely shared a number of resources (partially in Italian), which some have found useful: